Professional Service Agreement

Hiring: Satisfaction For Both Parties In The Process

Half of new employees are experiencing buyer's remorse after taking a job offer this year. And they are not alone — many organizations also question whether they have made wise hiring decisions as one in eight new employees were failures in the last 12 months, according to Development Dimensions International's (DDI) latest global research on hiring trends. The study includes responses from more than 250 staffing directors and 2,000 new hires from 28 countries and was conducted in partnership with Oracle.

The major findings include:

Where is the person we interviewed?

When staffing directors were asked what the top reasons were for hiring mistakes, nearly one-third of responders blamed overreliance on hiring manager evaluations and 21 percent blamed candidates overselling their own skills. "An unpleasant surprise after a candidate becomes an employee is that the new hire just is not cut out for the job. The shame of it all is that information about candidates goes undiscovered in the selection process," DDI's Scott Erker said. "Hiring managers need to go farther below the surface to really get to the truth about an employee's fit for the job."

I didn't apply for this job!

The research also revealed that only 51 percent of new hires are confident in their decision to accept a new job. Adding to this uncertainty is the failure of the hiring process to paint a realistic picture of the job, department and company. Not surprising, the research also found that organizations that do a better job of giving a candidates a realistic job preview, yielded hires that were more confident in their decision, highly engaged and less likely to get right back on the job boards.

Bad interviews do more harm.

Interviews remain the hardest selection tool to predict new-hire performance and resulting business impact, according to the research. The only catch � they have to be done correctly.

Only one in three staffing directors said their hiring managers are skilled at conducting high quality interviews — probably due to the fact that the same number are satisfied with their interviewer training program.

Additional findings include:

� Staffing directors outside of the U.S. were 10 percent more likely to rate their selection system as effective when it came to the ability to identify the right people (U.S.: 46 percent; Other geographies: 56 percent). One reason for this difference may be that non-U.S. companies report using more pre-employment assessment tools to make their hiring decisions.
� Less than two-thirds of staffing directors reported that their interview guides are based on an identified set of competencies for the role they're hiring.
� Less than 30 percent of staffing directors are satisfied with their interviewer training program.

SESCO Management Consultants is available to assist with your human resource issues. You may contact us by phone at 423-764-4127 or by email at