Holding On To Good People
Good people are the life blood of every successful organization, and managers who have good people in their ranks no doubt want to hold onto them. When good people leave, they take with them essential knowledge of the operation, relationships they've built, and investments in time and money. If you're really unlucky, they'll probably take a good employee or two with them. That's why stopping good people from jumping ship can't be left to chance.
While good employees are critical to the success of a business, they are also the hottest commodity in the business world today. Managers who do the best job selecting, developing and valuing their people enjoy higher productivity and lower employee turnover.
Retention Program
Poor retention is a revolving door that lowers morale and eats away at productivity, efficiency and profit. A strong retention plan does the opposite, it raises all boats. It is a mix of proven management techniques practiced every day – along with fair compensation, competitive benefits and respect for that elusive work/life balance.
The challenge for managers: To work daily to keep employees engaged. It's an on-going process that, when done properly, becomes an ingrained part of the atmosphere and the work ethic.
Where To Begin
People want to be a part of something special!
You've heard the phrase that people are only as good as the company they keep. The
reverse is also true. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.
To remain engaged, people must feel like they are an important part of an organization and that what they do contributes in an essential way to a successful outcome. For them, work is far more than simply completing assigned tasks.
Being good at your job creates a rewarding sense of self. It makes people feel good about themselves. It's energizing and fun. It refuels people and makes them feel whole. Being engaged also makes them want to come to work each day, and keep coming back.
SESCO Management Consultants is available to assist with your human resource issues. You may contact us by phone at 423-764-4127 or by email at sesco@sescomgt.com.